Doctors or Even Dental Assistants wanting to make extra income or pay off school loans,Give Incentives to staff or Pay Raises you wish you can give to your hard working staff. using what you already have...

An Office Setting

If Your a Dentist use your License Number and your Practice to teach the Next generations of Dental Assistants and/or your Next Staff member!

Dental Staff Members with your employers approval to offer paying rent on using your place of employment to teach after hours! Have Students help clean up office after class as well!

Why not offer to your Employer this idea to help the office on those slow months we all know when kids are going back to school or mid winter! Use those days to teach and train your next staff member! Learn of ways to help them pay for course you already have in the office! Plus additional ways to make extra income in Dentistry for you and your students as well how to help them find employment.

No need to look for a place to do externship they have your office to do the work and you know how your office is run so it will help keep on schedule!

Pearson Dental Assistant Book Could Be Used or Just Used Slides To Go Over Lecture and You Show Them Hands on !

I made the price reasonable because you can start with charging students 3000-17000 I know because I have worked at 4 Major Dental Programs in the USA.

I know how some DDS have students pay and what it takes to become an RDA.

I will also show you how to advertise your new Dental Assistant Program!

This will save on Sallie Mae Loans and if a Student does fall into hard times they can file Chapter 13 but it won't affect you because you already got paid!

Doctors or Even Dental Assistants wanting to make extra income or pay off school loans,Give Incentives to staff or Pay Raises you wish you can give to your hard working staff. using what you already have...

An Office Setting

If Your a Dentist use your License Number and your Practice to teach the Next generations of Dental Assistants and/or your Next Staff member!

Dental Staff Members with your employers approval to offer paying rent on using your place of employment to teach after hours! Have Students help clean up office after class as well!

Why not offer to your Employer this idea to help the office on those slow months we all know when kids are going back to school or mid winter! Use those days to teach and train your next staff member! Learn of ways to help them pay for course you already have in the office! Plus additional ways to make extra income in Dentistry for you and your students as well how to help them find employment.

No need to look for a place to do externship they have your office to do the work and you know how your office is run so it will help keep on schedule!

Pearson Dental Assistant Book Could Be Used or Just Used Slides To Go Over Lecture and You Show Them Hands on !

I made the price reasonable because you can start with charging students 3000-17000 I know because I have worked at 4 Major Dental Programs in the USA.

I know how some DDS have students pay and what it takes to become an RDA.

I will also show you how to advertise your new Dental Assistant Program!

This will save on Sallie Mae Loans and if a Student does fall into hard times they can file Chapter 13 but it won't affect you because you already got paid!

Hi, I’m Theresa Biggs RDA, CDA

I am helping Dental Professionals learn how to earn extra income by doing what you love but teaching it to others! You might have the hands on part down but what do Dental Assistants need to learn and why is in this completed series of slides made into a lecture for you to use to instruct new Dental Assistants with.

Hi, I’m Theresa Biggs RDA, CDA

I am helping Dental Professionals learn how to earn extra income by doing what you love but teaching it to others! You might have the hands on part down but what do Dental Assistants need to learn and why is in this completed series of slides made into a lecture for you to use to instruct new Dental Assistants with.



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